The one thing cheats don’t want to be doing on Christmas morning is running backwards and forwards to the kitchen to see if the vegetables are done.
This recipe allows you to sit down and sip your pre-lunch Champagne without moving. Also, because the vegetables are baked in a foil parcel, there’s absolutely no washing up!
The Delia Online Cookery School: Watch how to chop onions in our video, press the recipe image to play
This recipe is from Delia's Happy Christmas. Serves 4
All you do is fold the piece of foil in half, then lay one half along the length of the roasting tray, brush it with a little of the vinaigrette, and lay all the vegetables on the foil on the tray.
Season them well with salt and freshly milled black pepper.Add the sprigs of herbs and the bay leaf, then spoon the remaining vinaigrette over and toss all the vegetables around so they get a good coating – you’ll need to do this quite carefully so as not to break the foil. Now fold over the other half of the foil and turn over all the edges 2 or 3 times to seal it all round. What you should end up with is a parcel that fits the tray exactly but with some air space between the foil and vegetables.
When you’re ready to cook the vegetables, place them in the pre-heated oven, one shelf higher than the middle, for 45 minutes. To serve, carefully unwrap the foil and tip the vegetables into a warm serving dish.
Why not make your own vinaigrette? See our Cookery School Video on this page to watch how easy it is.
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