This is both lighter than the traditional kind and so much faster to make if you’re short of time – but as with traditional mince pies you’ll need to provide small plates and napkins to catch the crumbs.
Unfortunately since this recipe was written it has become increasingly difficult to find Feuilles de Brick pastry. We have sourced some suppliers, although they may have a minimum order, however if you need a large number for a party it may be worthwhile. Feuilles de Brick pastry is also used in Delia's recipe for Parma Ham, Pecorino and Rosemary Crisps and Christmas Cracker Puddings with Mascarpone Rum Cream
French Click, Chantenroy, Amazon
The Delia Online Cookery School: Watch how to make Christmas Stollen. Press the recipe image to play.
This recipe first appeared in Sainsbury's the Magazine Makes 24
Pre-heat the oven to 180C/gas mark 4. You’ll also need two 12-hole mini-muffin tins, lightly greased with butter.
First of all lay a piece of pastry on a clean, dry chopping-board then cut it into four equal wedges and put a dessertspoon of ground almonds into the centre of each one. Top that with a dessertspoon of mincemeat. Now gather up the edges of one to form the shape of a money-bag, and press it into one of the muffin tins so that all the sharp edges stand proud. Do the same with the rest of the pastry and filling, then bake them in the oven on the centre shelf for 18-20 minutes until golden brown. After that transfer them to a cooling rack.
Serve them warm, dusted with icing sugar, or if you want to bake them in advance, you can re-heat them (same temperature for five minutes). These are great served with mulled wine or as a dessert, in which case serve three per person, with rum sauce or maybe some vanilla ice-cream.
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