This is a delicious snack with all the flavours of Provence to serve out of doors, either as a first course at a barbecue or for lunch, or else on small croutons to serve with drinks before a meal.
The Delia Online Cookery School: Why not make your own French bread for the croutons? Watch our video showing you how to make them, press the recipe image to play.
This recipe is from Delia's Complete Cookery Course. Serves 3-4
Begin by pounding the anchovies (with their oil) to a pulp, either using a pestle and mortar or a basin and the end of a rolling pin.
Then pit the olives, chop their flesh up finely and add this to the anchovy mixture along with the chopped onion, tomato and a few drops of wine vinegar. Stir thoroughly, then add the crushed garlic, tomato puree, oregano, parsley and some freshly milled pepper, and stir again. Then spread the mixture generously on the croutons. All this can be done in advance. Then to finish off, pour a few drops of oil over each slice, place them under a pre-heated medium grill for 5 minutes to heat through, and sprinkle with chopped basil before serving.
Why not make your own French Bread? You can watch it being made in the White Breads lesson of Delia's Cookery School Video
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