Hi. Baked vanilla cheesecake with caramel sauce worked like a dream but I am wondering about what would happen if I took it out of the oven to cool down. My oven is electric and it was cooling off in there for hours. I don't think it could have turned out any better really or rather I was very pleased with it!
but I am curious as to what would happen if it cooled down out of the oven or if it cooled off in a gas oven would it take so long to cool down and what would be the effect on the cake. Is it still cooking ? Many thanks
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If you take it out too soon it will be less set. I don’t think a gas oven is likely to retain the heat any more than an electric oven. The cheesecake does continue to cook gently in the residual heat and if you didn’t leave the cheesecake in the oven you would need to bake it for longer which could mean the mixture over heats, resulting in a grainy texture and possibly a cracked surface.
As well as overheating, sudden temperature chance can cause cracking do leaving it in the oven to cool gradually reduces the chances.
Kind regards