Brazil Nut Brownies

30 minutes
to cook

Brownies need introducing to those who have not yet made them.

Yes, they are cakes but not in the conventional sense. They are supposed to be moist and squashy, and although they won’t look as if they are cooked, they are. Don’t think you may have failed, just bite into one and you’ll never look back.

The Delia Online Cookery School: Watch how to make the brownies, just click the image to play.

A picture of Delia's Cakes

This recipe is from Delia's Cakes.

  • method
  • Ingredients


First put the broken-up chocolate and butter in a bowl over a pan containing 5cm of barely simmering water, without the bowl touching the water.

When it has melted (5–10 minutes) take it off the heat. Next whisk the eggs and sugar lightly together – but don’t overdo this. Stir the egg mixture and all the other ingredients into the chocolate. Then pour the mixture into the tin and bake near the centre of the oven for 30 minutes until springy in the middle.

Leave the cake in the tin to go completely cold before dividing into roughly twelve squares and store in an airtight tin.


Pre-heat the oven to 180°, gas mark 4

Using a fan-assisted oven? Click here


You will also need a Delia Online Oblong Tin or similar, 20cm by 26cm, 4cm deep, greased and lined

The Delia Online bakeware range is now available online, and you can buy our Oblong Tin and washable and reusable liner direct from Silverwood.

Click here for the oblong tin
Click here for the liner 

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