Butterscotch Bananas

10 minutes - 15 minutes
to cook

This is a lovely sticky sauce – just made for bananas, especially if you serve it hot, poured over bananas and ice-cream.

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A picture of Delia's One Is Fun!

This recipe is from Delia's One Is Fun!. Serves 1

  • method
  • Ingredients


Place the butter, sugar and syrup in a heavy-based saucepan, then over a very low heat simply allow the ingredients slowly to dissolve and liquefy – this can take about 10-15 minutes.

Then stir to make sure all the sugar is dissolved and, when it is, turn off the heat and add the cream. Then arrange the ice-cream and sliced banana in a serving dish, and pour the hot sauce over.

A few chopped nuts would be a nice addition.


4 fl oz (110 ml) good-quality vanilla ice-cream


You will also need a heavy-based saucepan.

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