Cookies used on Delia Online

The following table summarises the main cookies used by the Delia Online website.

You, as a user of Delia Online, have the ability to accept or decline any of the cookies on the site. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline some or all cookies if you prefer. 

If you wish to decline cookies, please select the browser you are using from the list below and follow the instructions to prevent cookies being served to you during your visit.

If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to use certain interactive features of  the site as certain pages depend on cookies, and some advertising preferences that are dependent on cookies may not be able to be respected.

Cookies set by Delia Online

Cookie Name Purpose
ASP.NET_SessionId Allows the client to identify itself to the server
90222948_clogin Stores the username and token that will allow the user to be logged in automatically. If they had clicked “remember me” it will be saved to the users machine for use again, otherwise it will save only for the length of the browsing session.

Please note if you disable this cookie the username and token that automatically logs you in as a user will not be able to function so you would need to type in your user name and password again.
COOKIE-WINDOW-POPUP Tracks the status of the Cookie Message window on Delia Online.

Please note if you disable this cookie, each time you visit the Delia Online site you will be presented with the pop-up window informing you about our cookies policy.

3rd Party cookies used by Delia Online

Cookie Name Purpose
__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz, cmTPSet, cmRS, PREF and CoreID6 3rd Party Tracking and Analytics cookies (Like Google analytics, Google Adsense, and IBM Coremetrics) may also drop cookies when users visit our pages.
ck, loc, mus, oo, pt, did, ivc 3rd Party Cookies used by AddThis for more information please click here

Below is a list of cookies in our ad partners ecosystem detailing usage and associated information.

  • None of the cookies used here contain Personally Identifiable Information, Website Data or Customer Interaction Information. 
  • None of the information is given out to 3rd parties nor does it contain any intrinsic value; being temporary references.
  • Opt-Out is managed via Adchoices

Cookie Name Cookie Behaviour Capability*: 1 Cookie Behaviour Capability*: 2 Cookie Behaviour Capability*: 3 Information held in cookie Persistence Expiry (days)
OACAP Y Banner Capping Info Timed 365
OASCAP Y Banner Capping Info Session Session
OABLOCK Y Banner Blocking Info Timed 30
OACCAP Y Campaign Capping Info Timed 365
OASCCAP Y Campaign Capping Info Session Session
OACBLOCK Y Campaign Blocking Info Timed 30
OAZCAP Y Zone Capping Info Timed 365
OASZCAP Y Zone Capping Info Session Session
OAZBLOCK Y Zone Blocking Info Timed 30
OXLCA Y Banner Click Info Timed 30
OXLIA Y Banner View Info Timed 30
OXBLC Y Click de-dupe Timed 30
OAID Y Pseudonymous ID Timed 365
OAVARSn Y Y Banner Delivery State Info Session Session
SWID Y Pseudonymous ID Timed


SWOPTOUT Y Opt in / out persistent data Perpeptual Perpeptual
SWIDREAD Boolean Flag (user sync throttle) Timed

(varies) <=30 mins

ADM, APP, STQ Y Pseudonymous ID Timed 365
ASC Y Y Abstracted Category Timed 30
CK Y Y Banner Click Info Timed 365
RTCn Y Y Abstracted Site Info Timed (varies)
spban Test Banner Information Timed 1
TRD Y Y Abstracted Site Info Timed 30
sessionID Session Information Session Session
ASRTP Y Y Abstracted Site Info Timed 365
ASRTS Y Y Abstracted Site Info Timed 365
MYTK Y Pseudonymous ID Timed 10
MYTS Y Pseudonymous ID Timed 10
SOC Y Pseudonymous ID Timed 10
STQ Y Pseudonymous ID Timed 10
ADJG Y Pseudonymous ID Timed 10
APLT Y Pseudonymous ID Timed 10
APP Y Pseudonymous ID Timed 10
PUB Y Pseudonymous ID Timed 10
MMTH Y Pseudonymous ID Timed 10
GOPL Y Pseudonymous ID Timed 10
TDSK Y Pseudonymous ID Timed 10
IPON Y Pseudonymous ID Timed 10
CASA Y Pseudonymous ID Timed 10
CMT Y Pseudonymous ID Timed 10
QNCS Y Pseudonymous ID Timed 10
SUSI Y User Syncing Timing Information Timed 10

* Cookie Behaviour Capability Categories: 

  1. Targeting of campaigns based on user interaction with client sites/adverts: 
    Enables the ASP to target ads from a particular advertiser to a device based on its previous interaction with the same advertiser. 
  2. Targeting and optimisation based on user data (possibly including user interaction with client sites/adverts)
    Enables the ASP to target and prioritise which ads are shown to devices based on previous online interactions. These interactions can include all interactions with the clients campaign/sites, interaction with other campaigns/sites and can include predictions of a user’s interests and sociographic and demographic group. 
  3. Reporting and attribution:
    Enables the ASP to understand how campaigns are performing and use this to further optimise

See our Privacy Policy here

Updated: 24th April 2018