Delia introduces our free Online Cookery School.
A project consisting of over 60 videos, accompanying recipes and helpful study notes. Delia takes you through step-by-step, you can learn in your own time and at your own pace. The Cookery School video library begins with the First Term - Perfect Cakes. Delia then takes us completely back to basics with Perfect Eggs, Term Three is Pastry, Sauces and Batters. Bread for Beginners is Term Four and we look at Perfect Rice and Pasta in Term Five.
In addition we have a number of How to/Technique videos to share with you, from Perfect Egg Whites, How to Skin and De-seed Tomatoes to The Best Roast Chicken and Perfect Roast Potatoes.
As Delia says in the opening video 'its very, very exciting, I don't think really you could learn in a better way'.
Watch all the Cookery School videos here.
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