This term deals with two other staple ingredients, rice and pasta.
And here Delia gives you three little words you must promise to memorise in order to ensure your rice is perfect every time.
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And those three words are... leave it alone! In Lesson 1, she starts with showing you how to cook Perfect Rice, showing you that measuring correctly, using the right equipment, and of course leaving it alone, is all you need. Watch how Delia makes perfect, light and fluffy short-grain rice. Lesson 2, talks about medium and long-grain rice and explains the difference between them and short-grain rice. Recipes in this lesson are for two different risottos, Classic Milanese and Oven-baked Wild Mushroom Risotto. Pesto Rice Salad and to finish Old-Fashioned Rice Pudding Lesson 3 moves on to pasta, starting with what to look out for when you are buying pasta to make sure you get the best quality. Then you will learn how to cook Perfect Pasta, how to make Homemade Pesto Sauce for Trofie Pasta Liguria and finally Pasta alla Carbonara In Lesson 4, you will learn how to make baked pasta dishes and to start with a batch of Ragu Bolognese which you can freeze in eight single portions. From there, you can use it to make Lasagne al Forno, Baked Macaroni Pie or when time really is tight, Spaghetti Bolognese. Enjoy our Cookery School! Read less
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