I have made Delia’s mincemeat recipe for years, omitting the nuts. Yesterday I made it again and it seems ‘grainy’ on the palette . Over the years I have found it difficult to source mixed candied peel so substitute normal mixed peel. I will not use I his batch and have now ordered candied fruit from Country Products to attempt another batch. Do you have any suggestions as to what the problem could be ?????
Many thanks
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Hello Margaret,
Is that when it is cold, straight from the jar?
I wonder if it’s just the suet that feels grainy in the mouth and if that will just disappear when baked into pies etc?
You could just try warming a spoonful up to see.
Kind regards
Hi, a million thanks for reply. Can you believe I have ditched it already….., aargh !
When I think of it even on tasting out of oven I felt the same. At end of three hours there is no sign of ‘swimming in fat’ on top of fruit until I press spoon down on it.
Do you consider perhaps the bowl is not big enough ? I have used it for years but wonder if it is possible to have mincemeat in a larger casserole dish ? I was alas aware of this sensation with mixed peel in mouth ???
Sorry I cannot offer more definitive response
If the fat didn’t melt it may be that the temperature of the oven was too low or the cooking time too short.
Kind regards
The fat did melt totally just the top wasn’t swimming in it. I did follow 120 degrees for three hours exactly. Maybe the next batch I leave for 3.5, or slightly higher temperature or bigger container, Guess it will be trial and error. I will give it another go when I receive goods from Country Products.
Thank you