Ambassador Chef Danilo Cortellini shares his recipe for making Gelato al Grana Padano con fichi caramellati e noci created at Taste of London.
This recipe might sound weird on a first look but cheese and figs is a classic pairing, so why should it not work in an ice cream version? Danilo says 'the key here is to balance the cheese richness with the sweet notes and a drizzle of a good balsamic vinegar will help you do just that. Please note, when ripe and in season, I don't peel figs, I simply wash them".
Serves: 4; Preparation time: 30 minutes
Get the gelato going well ahead as it needs about 8-12 hours to set in the freezer.
Bring the cream and sugar to simmer, then remove it from the stove and add the grated Grana Padano cheese. Mix and let the remaining heat melt the cheese. Let it cool and churn the mixture into an ice-cream machine or alternatively, place the mixture in the freezer and mix it well every hour until thick and frozen.
Halve the figs and caramelise them on a medium heat in a non-stick pan with the butter. You want them lightly browned. Remove the pan from the heat and deglaze with the balsamic vinegar. Let the figs sit there so that they soak all the juices. When cold dice the figs into small pieces.
I recommend placing the serving glasses or bowl in the freezer for 1 hour before serving. Scoop the ice cream into the bowls, top with the figs, spinkle over a few crushed walnuts and drizzle with the remaining balsamic left in the pan. Garnish with mint leaves, optional.
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