Hello there, I live in Australia and am really enjoying finally learning the finer points of cooking from your Learn to Cook site, thank you for your videos they are really helpful.
My question is in relation to substituting margarine for butter. I am dairy intolerant and can't even use lactose free products unfortunately so use instead a good quality seed/nut margarine in all my cooking.
While making the Ginger Oat biscuits although I measured out all ingredients carefully with scales etc. I ended up with what appeared to be an oilier mixture than yours. I added a heaped tablespoon of wholemeal flour which then balanced it out. Is this problem possibly because I used margarine? if so then how do I establish how much to use to replicate the effect of butter?
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Hello Brigid,
I’m so pleased you are enjoying the cookery course.
I wouldn’t adjust the amount of margarine when using it to replace butter.
I would use a solid / block margarine for biscuits instead of a soft variety.
Another thing that may make the mixture look and feel more oily is the temperature. Was it a very warm day?
Kind regards
Thanks so much for your reply Lindsey I’ll try that and see how it goes. It’s not hot here in Canberra right now but good to keep in mind.
Kind regards