In this lesson Delia shows how to make Loaf Cakes.
They are a different style of cake, very simple to make and cost a fraction of the price you'd pay on a station or in a coffee shop. First you need a good loaf tin. Delia shows our own range of Loaf Tin - all our loaf cakes and loaves online fit this one. Delia shows a pleated parchment liner which fits our tin perfectly and the cooked cake can be stored in it.
The first recipe is Very Fruity Irish Tea Cake. Delia often refers to it as more fruit than cake. Ideally you need to start this the night before, or at least several hours before baking. Delia puts all the dried fruits into a bowl and soaks them in hot tea, sweetened with demerara sugar. Stir, cover and leave to soak so the fruits become really plump and juicy. The next day add a beaten egg, self-raising flour and chopped toasted pecan nuts. Give it all a good stir, add a tablespoon of milk. If it still feels a bit dry add another tablespoon of milk. Spoon the mixture into the lined tin and then using a tablespoon dipped in water smooth over the surface. Place the tin in a lower shelf in the preheated oven for 1 hour 10 minutes until it feels springy in the centre. When it comes out of the oven lift it onto a wire rack to cool. Serve with or without butter. If there's any left its great toasted for breakfast.
The next loaf cake is Marmalade Cake. Delia says it may not be much of a looker, but wow does it taste good. Delia reminds how to do a rubbed in mixture, which we saw in Lesson 3, rubbing the butter lightly and gently into the dry ingredients, using your fingertips up high to let the air in. It will very soon look crumbly. Blend together the zests, spices and mixed dried fruit and gradually add the milk a little at a time and a teaspoon of malt vinegar. Finally stir in a tablespoon of Seville Orange Marmalade. A note here is there is no egg in Marmalade Cake which might be helpful for those with an intolerance. The cake is baked in a liner and sprinkled with a tablespoon of demerara sugar before it goes into the oven. After its had 50 minutes cover it loosely with a piece of foil which will prevent the sugar from burning.
To finish Delia shows one of her most popular loaf cakes - Banana and Walnut Loaf. This is not a smooth mixture, it has a sort of sandy texture. Delia shares if over the years she had a pound for every person who said they loved this cake she could probably buy a striker!
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