Hi Lindsey, I want to make Delia's Light Glacé Fruit Christmas cake for my daughter's wedding in June 2019. The recipe in Chrismas book and Delias complete cookery book is for an
8 inch round cake.
I see that Delia recommends that for 40-55 guests that a 9 inch round cake is needed. I would like to scale it up to a 9 inch round cake but don't know how to increase the quantities of ingredients and time.
I will also be making other cakes too as I know Young people don't like traditional fruit cake, which is a shame.
I made this cake at Christmas 2018, to sample in addition to Delias traditional cake and it was absolutely amazing and definitely want it for the wedding.
Best wishes, Philippa
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Hello Philippa,
You will need a 6 egg version (1 ½ x the recipe) for a 9 inch round tin.
Same temperatures.
I’d still cover after 1 hour at 170 (140 fan) and after it has had further 2 hours at 150 (130 fan) I would check it again.
I think it might need another 45 minutes to an hour.
Kind regards