Delia shows how to make Perfect Egg Whites every time: first of all you need a large bowl, because we are going to be incorporating air, and the larger the bowl is the more airy the egg whites become.
The bowl also has to be spanking clean and grease free. Best of all is to use an electric handwhisk and just like the bowl the beaters have to be completely grease free. Sometimes its a good idea to have an extra pair of beaters when you've got a lot of cooking to do. You can also beat up egg whites with a balloon whisk. Either way its a good idea to have a cloth underneath the bowl to stop it slipping about and keep it steady.
The best way is to start with the beaters on slow speed and as they go backwards and forwards and rotate right up to the edges of the bowl don't be afraid to be vigorous. You can now begin to see little bubbles of air forming. If you can imagine blowing up balloons the same thing is happening here. As you begin to beat more air goes into the bubbles, now they are begining to expand. When you begin to see the bubbles begin to form switch to a medium speed. Carry on, and then finish off with a fast speed. What you need in the first place is the egg whites to form soft peaks that just droop over. Sometimes a recipe will ask for stiff peaks so you give it a little bit more whisking, the peaks become stiff and stand up straight. Under beating means no peaks. However, over beating, like over blowing a balloon, causes the little bubbles to burst and you lose the air. In which case the mixture begins to look not smooth and glossy as before, but dry and grainy.
So don't be afraid of egg whites and remember that practice always makes perfect.
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