This potato salad, with creamy, piquant Roquefort and the added crunch of celery and shallots, is good to eat all by itself, but I also like to serve it with cold cuts at a buffet lunch.
It's therefore a very good recipe to have around at Christmas.
The Delia Online Cookery School: Watch how to make a basic vinaigrette in our video. Just press the recipe image to play.
This recipe is from Delia's Complete How to Cook. Serves 6-8
Place the potatoes in a steamer over boiling water and sprinkle them with the level dessertspoon of salt, then put a lid on and let them steam for 20-25 minutes.
Meanwhile, make the dressing. To do this, place the garlic, along with the teaspoon of salt, into a mortar and crush it to a creamy mass, then add the mustard and work that in. Next, add the lemon juice, vinegar and, after that, the oil, then whisk everything together thoroughly. Now, in a medium-sized bowl, first combine the crème fraîche and mayonnaise, then gradually whisk in the dressing. When it's thoroughly blended, add the cheese and season with freshly milled black pepper.
When the potatoes are cooked, remove the steamer and place a clean tea cloth over them for about 4 minutes to absorb the steam. Then cut any larger potatoes in half, transfer them to a large bowl and, while they are still warm, pour the dressing over them, along with the shallots and celery. Give everything a good gentle mixing, then, just before serving, crumble over the rest of the Roquefort and the spring onions.
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