Delia explains it is helpful to know how to Store and Freeze Cakes and Biscuits.
Brownies freeze like a dream, wrapped in clingfilm and stored in a freezer bag, as can an unfilled sponge cake. Scones freeze really well too, as most other little cakes. Ideally for a month but we found they keep a lot longer than that. You can also freeze sponge cakes in slices, wrapped in clingfilm again, which is ideal if you have some left over or live alone. Biscuits freeze well too, and its handy as most one egg recipes make too many to eat all at once.
To store an iced cake, that has got cream or mascarpone in the fridge, a polythene box is suitable. Delia shows a box which has an inside cake lifter making it easy to lift the cake in and out. Traditional cake tins can also be used. As can polythene boxes which can hold a loaf cake.
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