This has a lovely Mediterranean flavour and tastes very good eaten out of doors on a hot summer's day.
The Delia Online Cookery School: Watch how to skin and de-seed tomatoes in our video. Press the image to play
This recipe is from Delia's Frugal Food. Serves 4 as a main course
Begin by lining a 10 inch (25cm) flan tin with the pastry, prick the base all over with a fork and pre-cook it on a baking sheet for 15 minutes.
Then remove it from the oven and increase the heat to gas mark 5, 375F, 190C. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a medium saucepan and cook the finely chopped onion and crushed garlic over a gentle heat until softened but not coloured. Then stir in the chopped tomatoes and basil and cook, uncovered, over a fairly high heat until the mixture is reduced to a thick consistency and most of the excess liquid has evaporated.
Now drain the anchovies, retaining the oil from the can. Chop up 6 anchovies, then cut the rest in half lengthways and keep them on one side. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the 6 chopped fillets, tomato puree and parsley; then beat the eggs together in a basin before stirring them into the tomato mixture. Taste and season with pepper and a little salt if it needs it. Now spread the mixture evenly in the pre-cooked flan case and decorate the top with a latticework of the remaining halved anchovy fillets. Then sprinkle over the pitted, halved black olives. Sprinkle the surface with the oil retained from the anchovy can and finally with the Parmesan cheese.
Now bake for 40 minutes until the filling is puffed and is a light brown.
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