You can now watch how to make Twice-baked Roquefort Souffles in our Cookery School Video, just click the image to play.
This recipe is from the Delia Online Cookery School Serves 6
To begin, put the milk, butter and flour into a small heavy gauged aluminum saucepan over a medium heat.
Whisk all that together using a balloon whisk until it becomes a thick, smooth glossy sauce. Then turn the heat down as low as possible cook it for 2 minutes. Then add some seasoning and cool slightly. Then whisk in the egg yolks. Now crumble 100g of the cheese into the mixture and whisk until most of it has melted – don't worry if some cheese is still visible.
Put a kettle on to boil and, in a spanking-clean large bowl, whisk the egg whites to the soft-peak stage (see video below) then fold a large kitchen spoonful of egg white into the cheese sauce to loosen it. Now fold the sauce into the egg white using a large metal spoon and a lifting, cutting and folding motion. Put the ramekins in the oblong baking tin and divide the mixture equally between the ramekins. Pour about 1 cm of hot water from the kettle into the tin and bake the soufflés near the centre of the oven for 20 minutes, then transfer them to a wire cooling rack (using a cloth to protect you hands) so they don't continue cooking.
Don't worry if they sink a little as they cool, because they will rise up again in the second cooking. When they are cold, cover with cling film and refrigerate. Remove from the fridge 1 hour before the second baking.
When you’re ready to cook them again pre-heat the oven to 180°C, gas mark 4 then slide a small palette knife all round them and turn them out, first onto the palm of your hand and then right way up onto the baking sheet with a liner. Bake near the centre of the oven for 30 minutes.
To make the sauce, crumble the remaining Roquefort then heat the double cream until it starts to simmer then remove from the heat and stir in the crumbled cheese. Serve the soufflés immediately on warm plates using a fish slice, spoon over some sauce and garnish each with a sprig of watercress
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