I have just made double quantities of the all-in-one Victoria sponge cake in order to get a decent rise in two 8" tins. I know Delia's recipe says single quantity into two 7" tins but that just doesn't produce a fat cake! Am I doing something terribly wrong?
Grew up with Delia on Noel Edmonds Multi-Coloured Swap Shop. Kudos.
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Hello Daniel,
Did you use large eggs? We find that large eggs are often a bit on the small side. I always pick out the largest ones in the box (preferably at least 73g each).
Delia’s sponge cakes are not like any of the very deep sponges you see everywhere nowadays.
The proportion of filling to sponge is important so the recipes have been developed with that in mind.
This classic sponge cake video is worth a look is you have 5 minutes.
Lesson 1. Classic Sponge Cake
We still do 2 eggs for an 18cm and 3 eggs for a 20 cm but we know that a 4 egg recipe will fit in the 4 cm deep, 20cm tins for a deeper sponge. Or you could line the sides so they are higher and do a 5 egg sponge mixture.
Best wishes