Gluten free Recipes
We do not have specific gluten free recipes on the website.
However, we have been asked ...
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questions about some of Delia's recipes on our Ask Lindsey pages - so if you just type in gluten free in our search box and then tap on CONTENT, you will see some of the recipes she has helped with. If you have a specific Delia recipe, please feel free to ask your own question. Of Delia's recipes two have been on the website for many years, Traditional Christmas Pudding (which has instructions for making it GF) and Darina Allen's Chocolate Fudge Pudding, both recipes are below.
Gluten free Cakes and Biscuits.
When Delia wrote her book Delia's Cakes in 2013 all the recipes were tested with gluten free ingredients. She was very happy with the results, and although sometimes the cakes might be a little more crumbly, most of the time there is very little difference, particularly with muffins, fruit cakes and biscuits, they are all included in this collection, as well as 4 cake recipes that have no gluten in at all. Squidgy Chocolate, Chocolate and Rum Squares, Chocolate Souffle Cake and Apricot Hazelnut Meringue Cake.
The gluten free ingredients used were: White flour, plain and self-raising, baking powder, cornflour, cereals, porridge oats (ground in a mini-chopper to replace oatmeal) and polenta.
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The Delia Online Cookery School: Delia’s Squidgy Chocolate Cake is included in this collection, and you can watch it being made in our Chocolate Cakes video. Click the image to play.