These are delicious little minced sausages threaded on to skewers.
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This recipe is from Delia's Complete Cookery Course. Serves 3-4
First the meats should be put through the finest blade of a mincer or chopped finely in a food processor.
Then place them in a mixing bowl along with the garlic, paprika, a pinch of cayenne and a good seasoning of salt and pepper. Stir in the chopped mint and mix thoroughly to amalgamate everything. If possible, leave the mixture in a cool place for a while to allow the flavours to develop, then mould the mixture into about nine little sausage shapes, about 2 inches (5 cm) in length. Thread these on to skewers – the flat kind is best – and cook over hot charcoal or under a pre-heated grill for 10-20 minutes, turning them frequently.
Serve them with the yoghurt sauce, made by simply combining all the sauce ingredients in a bowl with salt and freshly milled black pepper to taste.
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